If you, or someone you know, is chronically homeless we are here to help.
To be an Eden Village resident you must meet all three of the following requirements:
Eligible residents must be homeless for the past 12 months consecutively or have four periods of homelessness over the last three years within our city limits.
A persistent physical or mental disability making it difficult to live without support. Axis 1 diagnosis (Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Major Depressive Disorder) are common.
A source of income to pay rent, utilities, laundry, activities, and support services. Income often comes from employment, government assistance or sponsorship.
Though we care deeply about those having financial trouble and unable to keep a home. Our goal is to help those who are unable to help themselves. With limited space, we ask that if you don’t meet the above requirements that you seek assistance to the city’s programs that fit your needs.
Living at Eden Village KC
It is vital that we have a current phone number to be able to reach you. If you do not have a number to contact, then please give the number for someone who can find you as a spot becomes available. If we cannot reach you, then we will move on to the next applicant.